Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What a Busy Tuesday!

What a fun Tuesday we had!  It was jammed pack full of things!  Here is a list of all the NEW things we did:

  • Took our first WKCE tests
  • Used Senteo clickers (the response system) as practice
  • Used Senteo clickers for a human body quiz
  • Learned some new games for word work! 
  • Met Landon
  • Had Mr. Krahn teach us about our bones, muscles, and injuries
  • Watched 3 of our friends get their ankles taped by Mr. Krahn!
Abby getting taped

Zach getting taped

Bradley getting taped

The class with Dr. Krahn 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We Labeled Logan!

We are learning about your major muscle groups so today we figured out where they were!  First, we labeled Logan with numbers and students tried to figure out what muscles were in each group.  Then we labeled him with the names we need to know!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fireman Fun on Friday!

For fire safety week, the Lawrence Fire Department came to visit us on Friday afternoon.  The kids discussed plans for how to get out of the house, having a family meeting spot, and how to stop, drop and roll.  We also saw a fireman in full gear and practiced grabbing him to let him know where we were.  We learned we should do the same thing if our house was on fire!

I even geared up for the kids! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We Labeled Luke!

So we learned the scientific names of bones the other day.  What better way to figure out where they are than use one of our classmates!  Students had to figure out where to put the labels to show where bones are.  Luke was a good sport about the whole thing!  The Mr. Bones on our door now has the labels on instead!

Book Buddies Started!

Today we began our book buddy adventures with Mrs. Neuen's kindergarten class.  Throughout the year we will meet with them a few times a month.  We will be reading, working on projects and trying new technology with them.

Today we did a get to know you activity using M&M's.  When the kids picked a color, they had to look at the SmartBoard and say something about themselves, based on the color.

Enjoy some pictures of the fun!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Scoot Pad

This week the kids starting using a website called Scootpad.  We are very excited that it exists because it helps them practice concepts for reading and math that they need to know by the end of 3rd grade.  These concepts are quite a jump because of the new Common Core standards.  The kids think it's fun to practice, send positive remarks to friends and earn rewards.

At conferences, you will learn how to access your student's information.  I will be setting rewards they can earn at school and you could set rewards for them to earn at home.  This resource just started in 2012 and it's completely free - which is AWESOME!