Thursday, January 31, 2013

eBooks - Cont.

If you want to send your device to school with your child, we can try to get it set up.  The only problem would be getting the app from your iTunes or other app store.  If your child can come with Overdrive or Kindle already installed as apps, I can help!   Please let me know if you need help!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The kids and I recently looked at our school district's e-Book library.  This is a very underutilized resource that our library provides.  If you have a Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPod or computer, your child can read FREE books at home. Books are checked out for 2 weeks and will automatically be returned.  Right now the limit is 2 books per time, but students can add books to a Wishlist if they don't want to forget about them.

Go HERE to our school library page to start.  Click on eBooks and the kids will need to login.  They all know this.

If you need a tutorial on how to get your device synced to school's library, look HERE for that.

I highly recommend the Overdrive App and the Kindle App if you have devices that support them.

Please let me know if you need help. Ms. Zurawski is offering a session on these at Tech Night as well.  I hope more and more kids start using these books!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fallen Timbers - January 2013

Below you will find the video from our field trip.  Please hit the full screen button in the corner to fully enjoy it!